Best Prices
The best prices on the market!
- We offer some of the best prices for used vehicles on the European market and many potential customers ask us how we can get these prices for a high quality vehicle. Vehicles marked as "Partner" come from previous bad lease/finance contracts. This means that most of the vehicle is already paid to our partners, so they are looking for a quick sale and extra profit.
- Our goal has always been to provide high quality vehicles in order to increase the number of customers we serve.
- All our vehicles are inspected by our certified technical inspectors before being put on sale on our website. We select for sale only vehicles in excellent condition and with low mileage.
- All prices displayed on our website include VAT (19%).
- The quality and price of our vehicles have resulted in a large number of sales, a constant improvement of the offer and a rapid expansion of our services to customers throughout Europe.
- The extensive vehicle offering, reduced profit margins, the introduction of the voucher and the growing number of customers have led to a steady increase in revenues and allowed our company to achieve the lowest prices on the European market.