Discount on your purchases!
- To be closer to our customers and show them our gratitude, our company offers at the end of each transaction a voucher worth €1500.
- For any vehicle purchased on our website, you will receive at the end of the transaction a voucher worth €1500, which you can use on a subsequent purchase. The voucher can be used to obtain a discount only once and can be applied to the price of multiple vehicles purchased on a single order.
- The voucher is valid for one (1) year from the date of issue.
- The voucher can be used by the person/company to whom it was issued or transferred to another person/company. If someone has given you a discount code as a gift, please check the validity of the voucher by entering the code in the box provided on our homepage. If the voucher code is valid, please write it in the "Order Form" when ordering a vehicle or in the "Bid Now" form when bidding on a vehicle and the €1500 discount will be applied to the price of the vehicle.
- The voucher discount can be applied to the purchase of any vehicle available on our website. The rightful owner of the voucher is prohibited from selling the voucher. Any evidence that the voucher has been passed on to someone else for monetary compensation will render the voucher code invalid.
- You can benefit from this discount whether or not you have already used a voucher to purchase the vehicle for which the discount is offered.